About the Tests

Agriculture and Environmental Systems

A0 Agribusiness and Production Systems (03MC)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
177024 LYT4 Unmanned Aircraft Systems 40 65% 90%
A2 Animal Science and Management (08MC)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
072150 EGE0 Medical Terminology 40 60% 95%
A3 Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Bioscience (46MD)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
072125 EGB5 Biotechnology for Health and Disease 40 55% 80%
072130 EGC0 Genetics of Disease 40 65% 90%
A5 Horticulture (53MC)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
177024 LYT4 Unmanned Aircraft Systems 40 65% 90%
A6 Natural Resource Management (39MC)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
177024 LYT4 Unmanned Aircraft Systems 40 65% 90%

Arts and Communication

B0 Media Arts (19MD)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
340001 SJL1 Arts and Communication Primer 40 62% 93%
340006 SJL6 Business of Arts and Communications 40 62% 92%
340110 SJZ0 Media Arts Primer 40 68% 83%
340115 SJZ5 Media Arts Writing 40 66% 93%
340120 SKA0 Digital Image Editing 40 44% 82%
340125 SKA5 Motion Graphics 40 48% 71%
340130 SKB0 Audio Broadcast 40 77% 98%
340135 SKB5 Musical Engineering 40 56% 94%
340140 SKC0 Video Broadcast 40 74% 97%
340145 SKC5 Video Production 40 59% 95%
340150 SKD0 Photographic Composition 40 55% 92%
340155 SKD5 Photography Production 40 50% 77%
340160 SKE0 Multi-Media Web Production 40 53% 85%
340165 SKE5 Digital Cinema 40 56% 90%
340235 SKM5 Musical Concept 40 66% 95%
340240 SKN0 Music Ensemble and Composition 40 65% 85%
B1 Performing Arts (38MD)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
177024 LYT4 Unmanned Aircraft Systems 40 65% 90%
340001 SJL1 Arts and Communication Primer 40 62% 93%
340006 SJL6 Business of Arts and Communications 40 62% 92%
340135 SKB5 Musical Engineering 40 56% 94%
340145 SKC5 Video Production 40 59% 95%
340150 SKD0 Photographic Composition 40 55% 92%
340210 SKK0 Performing Arts Primer 40 69% 95%
340215 SKK5 Dance 40 64% 81%
340220 SKL0 Choreography 40 68% 93%
340225 SKL5 Acting and Script Analysis 40 57% 94%
340230 SKM0 Acting Performance 40 66% 84%
340235 SKM5 Musical Concept 40 66% 95%
340240 SKN0 Music Ensemble and Composition 40 65% 85%
340245 SKN5 Musical Theatre 40 60% 69%
340250 SKP0 Stagecraft 40 66% 93%
340255 SKP5 Stage Design and Construction 40 63% 91%
340260 SKR0 Costuming and Makeup 40 70% 79%
B2 Visual Design and Imaging (18MD)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
177024 LYT4 Unmanned Aircraft Systems 40 65% 90%
340001 SJL1 Arts and Communication Primer 40 62% 93%
340006 SJL6 Business of Arts and Communications 40 62% 92%
340120 SKA0 Digital Image Editing 40 44% 82%
340125 SKA5 Motion Graphics 40 48% 71%
340145 SKC5 Video Production 40 59% 95%
340150 SKD0 Photographic Composition 40 55% 92%
340160 SKE0 Multi-Media Web Production 40 53% 85%
340310 SKW0 Visual Design Primer 40 57% 93%
340315 SKW5 Visual Creation 40 52% 90%
340320 SKX0 Digital Print Design 40 49% 88%
340325 SKX5 Digital Media Art 40 49% 86%
340330 SKY0 Visual Distribution 40 38% 90%
340340 SKZ0 Advertising and Communication 40 44% 88%

Business and Administrative Services

C4 Business and Administrative Services (02MD)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
072150 EGE0 Medical Terminology 40 60% 95%
141000 HXJ0 Business Foundations 40 60% 95%
141025 HXL5 Management Principles 40 60% 95%
141030 HXM0 Strategic Entrepreneurship 40 70% 95%
142000 JBV0 Fundamentals of Business and Administrative Services 40 60% 95%
142005 JBV5 Office Management 40 60% 95%
142010 JBW0 Legal Environment of Business 40 55% 95%
142015 JBW5 Medical Office Management 40 65% 95%
142020 JBX0 Operations Management 40 65% 95%
142035 JBY5 Human Resource Management 40 65% 95%
144030 JLS0 Professional and Technical Sales 40 65% 95%
145085 JSF5 Database Applications Development 40 50% 75%
C5 Logistics and Supply Chain Management
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
141000 HXJ0 Business Foundations 40 60% 95%
141025 HXL5 Management Principles 40 60% 95%
141030 HXM0 Strategic Entrepreneurship 40 70% 95%
142000 JBV0 Fundamentals of Business and Administrative Services 40 60% 95%
142010 JBW0 Legal Environment of Business 40 55% 95%
142020 JBX0 Operations Management 40 65% 95%
142025 JBX5 Supply Chain Management 40 55% 95%
142030 JBY0 Logistics Management 40 55% 95%
144000 JLN0 Marketing Principles 40 65% 95%
144025 JLR5 Merchandising and Buying 40 60% 95%
144030 JLS0 Professional and Technical Sales 40 65% 95%
145085 JSF5 Database Applications Development 40 50% 75%
177024 LYT4 Unmanned Aircraft Systems 40 65% 90%

Construction Technologies

DD Structural Construction (45MC)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
177024 LYT4 Unmanned Aircraft Systems 40 65% 90%
178000 MCZ0 Construction Technology- Core and Sustainable Construction 40 65% 95%
178001 MCZ1 Carpentry and Masonry Technical Skills 40 65% 85%
178002 MCZ2 Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Systems 40 65% 95%
178003 MCZ3 Structural Systems 40 60% 95%
178004 MCZ4 Structural Coverings and Finishes 40 55% 90%
178005 MCZ5 Masonry 40 60% 85%
178006 MCZ6 Concrete and Residential Masonry 40 65% 85%
178007 MCZ7 Construction Electrical Systems 40 55% 90%
178008 MCZ8 Residential Electrical Systems 40 65% 90%
178011 MDA1 Residential and Commercial Plumbing Systems 40 55% 90%
178018 MDA8 Construction Safety and Crew Leadership 40 60% 90%
178019 MDA9 Plan Reading 40 60% 90%
178022 MDB2 Construction Management 40 75% 90%
178023 MDB3 Remodeling/Renovation 40 55% 90%
178026 MDB6 Heavy Equipment Operations 40 70% 90%
178027 MDB7 Construction Surveying and Site Logistics 40 50% 90%
178030 MDC0 Principles of Woods Construction 40 65% 95%
178040 MDD0 Fundamentals of Architecture 40 65% 90%
DE Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing (27MC)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
178000 MCZ0 Construction Technology- Core and Sustainable Construction 40 65% 95%
178001 MCZ1 Carpentry and Masonry Technical Skills 40 65% 85%
178002 MCZ2 Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Systems 40 65% 95%
178007 MCZ7 Construction Electrical Systems 40 55% 90%
178008 MCZ8 Residential Electrical Systems 40 65% 90%
178009 MCZ9 Commercial and Industrial Construction Electrical Systems 40 50% 90%
178010 MDA0 Plumbing and Pipefitting Systems 40 55% 90%
178011 MDA1 Residential and Commercial Plumbing Systems 40 55% 90%
178012 MDA2 Heating and Cooling Systems 40 45% 95%
178013 MDA3 HVAC Refrigeration 40 65% 95%
178014 MDA4 Sheet Metal 40 65% 90%
178015 MDA5 Telecommunications/Low Voltage Systems 40 55% 92%
178016 MDA6 Alternative Power Generation Systems 40 60% 90%
178017 MDA7 Powerline/Hi-Voltage Power Transmission 40 65% 95%
178018 MDA8 Construction Safety and Crew Leadership 40 60% 90%
178019 MDA9 Plan Reading 40 60% 90%
178022 MDB2 Construction Management 40 75% 90%
178024 MDB4 Facility and Building Maintenance 40 60% 90%
178030 MDC0 Principles of Woods Construction 40 65% 95%
178040 MDD0 Fundamentals of Architecture 40 65% 90%
DF Construction Design and Management (15MC)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
177024 LYT4 Unmanned Aircraft Systems 40 65% 90%
178000 MCZ0 Construction Technology- Core and Sustainable Construction 40 65% 95%
178001 MCZ1 Carpentry and Masonry Technical Skills 40 65% 85%
178002 MCZ2 Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Systems 40 65% 95%
178004 MCZ4 Structural Coverings and Finishes 40 55% 90%
178007 MCZ7 Construction Electrical Systems 40 55% 90%
178012 MDA2 Heating and Cooling Systems 40 45% 95%
178018 MDA8 Construction Safety and Crew Leadership 40 60% 90%
178019 MDA9 Plan Reading 40 60% 90%
178020 MDB0 Architecture Design - Structural and Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing 40 75% 95%
178021 MDB1 Architecture Design - Site and Foundation Plans 40 65% 85%
178022 MDB2 Construction Management 40 75% 90%
178023 MDB3 Remodeling/Renovation 40 55% 90%
178024 MDB4 Facility and Building Maintenance 40 60% 90%
178025 MDB5 Custodial Services 40 76% 92%
178026 MDB6 Heavy Equipment Operations 40 70% 90%
178027 MDB7 Construction Surveying and Site Logistics 40 50% 90%
178028 MDB8 Interior Design 40 65% 90%
178030 MDC0 Principles of Woods Construction 40 65% 95%
178040 MDD0 Fundamentals of Architecture 40 65% 90%

Education and Training

E0 Early Childhood Education (16MD)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
350002 UGR2 Foundations of Education and Training 40 66% 90%
350030 UGU0 Classroom Management 40 74% 92%
350035 UGU5 Child and Adolescent Development 40 73% 92%
350205 UHM5 Early Childhood Education Principles 40 50% 89%
350210 UHN0 Infant and Toddler Education 40 57% 90%
350215 UHN5 Early Childhood Education Language and Literacy 40 59% 89%
350220 UHP0 Early Childhood Education Observation and Assessment 40 64% 92%
350225 UHP5 Communities, Schools and Stakeholders 40 74% 91%
350230 UHR0 Health, Safety and Nutrition 40 65% 92%
350235 UHR5 Curriculum and Instruction for Early Childhood Education 41 55% 91%
E1 Teaching Professions (14MD)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
350002 UGR2 Foundations of Education and Training 40 66% 90%
350010 UGS0 Education Principles 40 68% 94%
350015 UGS5 Educational Assessment 40 73% 94%
350020 UGT0 Curriculum and Instruction for Teaching Professions 40 84% 98%
350030 UGU0 Classroom Management 40 74% 92%
350035 UGU5 Child and Adolescent Development 40 73% 92%
350225 UHP5 Communities, Schools and Stakeholders 40 74% 91%

Engineering and Science

F6 Engineering Design (26MC)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
072115 EGA5 Biomedical Engineering 40 60% 90%
145025 JRZ5 Computer Hardware 40 55% 75%
145030 JSA0 Computer Software 40 60% 80%
175001 LNX1 Engineering Design 40 65% 90%
175002 LNX2 Engineering Principles 40 65% 90%
175003 LNX3 Manufacturing Operations 40 60% 90%
175004 LNX4 Robotics 40 65% 90%
175006 LNX6 Computer Integrated Manufacturing 40 55% 90%
175007 LNX7 Digital Electronics 40 60% 85%
175008 LNX8 Mechanisms and Drives 40 60% 85%
175012 LNY2 Analog Based Electronic Devices 40 60% 85%
175017 LNY7 Engineering Logic 40 70% 95%
175100 LPH0 AC Electronic Circuits 40 65% 90%
175105 LPH5 DC Electronic Circuits 40 65% 85%
176004 LUG4 Machine Tools 40 65% 90%
176007 LUG7 Computer Numerical Control Technology with Industrial Mills and Lathes 40 70% 95%
176009 LUG9 Welding Technologies 40 65% 95%
176010 LUH0 Principles of Manufacturing 40 60% 90%
176025 LUJ5 Industrial Robotics 40 65% 90%
177013 LYS3 Aviation 40 60% 90%
177024 LYT4 Unmanned Aircraft Systems 40 65% 90%
178019 MDA9 Plan Reading 40 60% 90%
178020 MDB0 Architecture Design - Structural and Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing 40 75% 95%
178021 MDB1 Architecture Design - Site and Foundation Plans 40 65% 85%
F7 Robotics
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
145025 JRZ5 Computer Hardware 40 55% 75%
145030 JSA0 Computer Software 40 60% 80%
175001 LNX1 Engineering Design 40 65% 90%
175002 LNX2 Engineering Principles 40 65% 90%
175004 LNX4 Robotics 40 65% 90%
175007 LNX7 Digital Electronics 40 60% 85%
175008 LNX8 Mechanisms and Drives 40 60% 85%
175012 LNY2 Analog Based Electronic Devices 40 60% 85%
175017 LNY7 Engineering Logic 40 70% 95%
175100 LPH0 AC Electronic Circuits 40 65% 90%
175105 LPH5 DC Electronic Circuits 40 65% 85%
176010 LUH0 Principles of Manufacturing 40 60% 90%
176025 LUJ5 Industrial Robotics 40 65% 90%
178019 MDA9 Plan Reading 40 60% 90%

Family and Consumer Sciences

FCS Family and Consumer Sciences
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
091025 FZK5 Child Development 40 70% 86%
091052 FZN2 Personal Financial Management 40 55% 82%
091053 FZN3 Consumer Economics 40 66% 82%
091201 GAE1 Introduction to Family and Consumer Sciences 40 66% 83%
091205 GAE5 Principles of Food 40 72% 85%
091210 GAF0 Global Foods 40 60% 84%
091215 GAF5 Food Science 40 76% 85%
091220 GAG0 Culinary Fundamentals 40 71% 80%
091225 GAG5 Principles of Nutrition and Wellness 40 69% 91%
091402 GBD2 Career and College Readiness 40 78% 89%
091403 GBD3 Leadership and Community Engagement 40 70% 85%
091410 GBE0 Transitions and Careers 40 74% 86%
091500 GBP0 Interior Design, Furnishings and Management 40 63% 84%
091501 GBP1 Textiles and Interior Design 40 69% 86%
091505 GBP5 Textile Design, Construction and Maintenance 40 57% 81%
093005 GJE5 Personal Wellness and Development 40 77% 98%
093010 GJF0 Personal Wellness 40 76% 86%
093015 GJF5 Human Growth and Development 40 71% 87%


G2 Finance (01MD)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
141000 HXJ0 Business Foundations 40 60% 95%
141025 HXL5 Management Principles 40 60% 95%
141030 HXM0 Strategic Entrepreneurship 40 70% 95%
143000 JGE0 Finance Foundations 40 55% 95%
143005 JGE5 Financial Accounting 40 55% 95%
143010 JGF0 Corporate Finance 40 60% 90%
143015 JGF5 Managerial Accounting 40 55% 95%
143020 JGG0 Fundamentals of Financial Services 40 60% 95%
143025 JGG5 Financial Services Operations 40 50% 95%
144030 JLS0 Professional and Technical Sales 40 65% 95%
145085 JSF5 Database Applications Development 40 50% 75%

Health Science

J0 Medical Bioscience (47MC)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
072001 EFN1 Health Science and Technology 40 65% 95%
072040 EFT0 Human Anatomy and Physiology 40 55% 85%
072045 EFT5 Human Pathophysiology 40 55% 90%
072110 EGA0 Principles and Practice of Biomedical Technology 40 65% 90%
072115 EGA5 Biomedical Engineering 40 60% 90%
072120 EGB0 Biochemistry of Health 40 65% 85%
072125 EGB5 Biotechnology for Health and Disease 40 55% 80%
072130 EGC0 Genetics of Disease 40 65% 90%
072150 EGE0 Medical Terminology 40 60% 95%
J6 Exercise Science and Sports Medicine (23MC)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
072000 EFN0 Exercise and Athletic Training 40 65% 95%
072001 EFN1 Health Science and Technology 40 65% 95%
072005 EFN5 Bio-Stats in Exercise Science and Sports Medicine 40 65% 90%
072010 EFP0 Exercise Physiology & Biochemistry 40 65% 95%
072015 EFP5 Nutrition and Wellness 40 65% 90%
072020 EFR0 Fitness Evaluation and Assessment 40 65% 95%
072025 EFR5 Athletic Injuries & Prevention 40 70% 95%
072030 EFS0 Sports Exercise Psychology 40 65% 95%
072040 EFT0 Human Anatomy and Physiology 40 55% 85%
072150 EGE0 Medical Terminology 40 60% 95%
072155 EGE5 Medical and Dental Office Technology 40 65% 90%
170345 KSK5 Emergency Medical Technician 40 69% 95%
J7 Health Information Management (22MC)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
072001 EFN1 Health Science and Technology 40 65% 95%
072040 EFT0 Human Anatomy and Physiology 40 55% 85%
072135 EGC5 Health Information Technology 40 65% 95%
072140 EGD0 Health Information Management 40 65% 95%
072145 EGD5 Billing and Coding 40 65% 95%
072150 EGE0 Medical Terminology 40 60% 95%
072155 EGE5 Medical and Dental Office Technology 40 65% 90%
141025 HXL5 Management Principles 40 60% 95%
142000 JBV0 Fundamentals of Business and Administrative Services 40 60% 95%
142015 JBW5 Medical Office Management 40 65% 95%
JM Allied Health and Nursing (25MC)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
072001 EFN1 Health Science and Technology 40 65% 95%
072015 EFP5 Nutrition and Wellness 40 65% 90%
072035 EFS5 Principles of Allied Health Medicine 40 65% 95%
072040 EFT0 Human Anatomy and Physiology 40 55% 85%
072045 EFT5 Human Pathophysiology 40 55% 90%
072050 EFU0 Patient Centered Care 40 70% 95%
072055 EFU5 Patient Centered Care and Diagnosis 40 70% 95%
072060 EFV0 Lifespan Development & Medical Interventions 40 60% 90%
072065 EFV5 Mental Health 40 70% 95%
072066 EFV6 Integrated Behavioral Health 40 65% 90%
072070 EFW0 Surgical Support 40 65% 95%
072075 EFW5 Dental Technology 40 65% 95%
072076 EFW6 Dental Radiography 40 55% 95%
072080 EFX0 Oral Diagnosis and Treatment Planning 40 60% 95%
072085 EFX5 Pharmacology 40 65% 95%
072090 EFY0 Respiratory Technology 40 66% 93%
072095 EFY5 Opticianry and Vision Care 40 70% 94%
072100 EFZ0 Clinical Laboratory Techniques 40 60% 95%
072135 EGC5 Health Information Technology 40 65% 95%
072140 EGD0 Health Information Management 40 65% 95%
072145 EGD5 Billing and Coding 40 65% 95%
072150 EGE0 Medical Terminology 40 60% 95%
072155 EGE5 Medical and Dental Office Technology 40 65% 90%
170345 KSK5 Emergency Medical Technician 40 69% 95%
JN Therapeutic Services
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
072001 EFN1 Health Science and Technology 40 65% 95%
072035 EFS5 Principles of Allied Health Medicine 40 65% 95%
072040 EFT0 Human Anatomy and Physiology 40 55% 85%
072045 EFT5 Human Pathophysiology 40 55% 90%
072060 EFV0 Lifespan Development & Medical Interventions 40 60% 90%
072065 EFV5 Mental Health 40 70% 95%
072066 EFV6 Integrated Behavioral Health 40 65% 90%
072075 EFW5 Dental Technology 40 65% 95%
072076 EFW6 Dental Radiography 40 55% 95%
072080 EFX0 Oral Diagnosis and Treatment Planning 40 60% 95%
072085 EFX5 Pharmacology 40 65% 95%
072090 EFY0 Respiratory Technology 40 66% 93%
072095 EFY5 Opticianry and Vision Care 40 70% 94%
072100 EFZ0 Clinical Laboratory Techniques 40 60% 95%
072135 EGC5 Health Information Technology 40 65% 95%
072150 EGE0 Medical Terminology 40 60% 95%
072155 EGE5 Medical and Dental Office Technology 40 65% 90%

Hospitality and Tourism

L0 Culinary Arts (34MD)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
330000 PKZ0 Hospitality Fundamentals 40 68% 84%
330025 PLB5 Catering and Banquet Service Operations 40 70% 81%
330100 PLK0 Fundamentals of Food Production 40 76% 82%
330105 PLK5 Contemporary Cuisine 40 66% 82%
330110 PLL0 Dining Room Service and Operations 40 73% 82%
330120 PLM0 Restaurant Management 40 66% 83%
330125 PLM5 Baking and Pastry Arts 40 70% 85%
L1 Hospitality (40MD)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
330000 PKZ0 Hospitality Fundamentals 40 68% 84%
330021 PLB1 Event and Food Planning 40 77% 94%
330025 PLB5 Catering and Banquet Service Operations 40 70% 81%
330030 PLC0 Front Office Management and Operations 40 77% 95%
330035 PLC5 Hospitality Management 40 64% 90%
330040 PLD0 Travel and Adventure Planning 40 68% 92%
330110 PLL0 Dining Room Service and Operations 40 73% 82%

Human Services

M1 Cosmetology (21MC)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
174115 LKA5 Microbiology and Infection Control 40 69% 94%
174120 LKB0 Trichology 40 47% 82%
174125 LKB5 Fundamentals of Hair Cutting and Styling 40 54% 79%
174130 LKC0 Advanced Hair Cutting and Styling 40 56% 86%
174135 LKC5 Fundamentals of Chemical Services 40 61% 90%
174140 LKD0 Advanced Chemical Services 40 59% 92%
174145 LKD5 Hand & Foot Treatment Fundamentals and Enhancements 40 59% 82%
174150 LKE0 Skin Care Fundamentals and Enhancements 40 57% 89%
174155 LKE5 Salon Operations and Communications 40 55% 81%

Information Technology

N0 Information Support and Services (81MD)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
145005 JRX5 Information Technology 40 60% 80%
145010 JRY0 Web Design 40 55% 80%
145020 JRZ0 Computer and Mobile Applications 40 55% 75%
145025 JRZ5 Computer Hardware 40 55% 75%
145030 JSA0 Computer Software 40 60% 80%
145035 JSA5 Networking 40 60% 75%
145040 JSB0 Network Operating Systems 40 55% 80%
145050 JSC0 Network Security 40 55% 75%
145060 JSD0 Programming 40 55% 80%
145065 JSD5 Object Oriented Programming 40 55% 80%
145070 JSE0 Visual Programming 40 50% 80%
145075 JSE5 Systems Analysis and Design 40 60% 80%
145080 JSF0 Database Administration 40 50% 80%
145085 JSF5 Database Applications Development 40 50% 75%
145110 JSJ0 Video and Sound 40 60% 80%
177024 LYT4 Unmanned Aircraft Systems 40 65% 90%
N1 Interactive Media (84MD)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
145005 JRX5 Information Technology 40 60% 80%
145010 JRY0 Web Design 40 55% 80%
145020 JRZ0 Computer and Mobile Applications 40 55% 75%
145060 JSD0 Programming 40 55% 80%
145065 JSD5 Object Oriented Programming 40 55% 80%
145070 JSE0 Visual Programming 40 50% 80%
145075 JSE5 Systems Analysis and Design 40 60% 80%
145090 JSG0 Game Design 40 50% 70%
145095 JSG5 Design Techniques 40 55% 80%
145100 JSH0 Creating and Editing Digital Graphics 40 55% 85%
145105 JSH5 Multimedia and Image Management Techniques 40 60% 80%
145110 JSJ0 Video and Sound 40 60% 80%
145115 JSJ5 Animation 40 55% 85%
145120 JSK0 3-D Techniques 40 55% 80%
145125 JSK5 Interactive Application Development 40 55% 80%
177024 LYT4 Unmanned Aircraft Systems 40 65% 90%
N2 Network Systems (82MD)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
145005 JRX5 Information Technology 40 60% 80%
145010 JRY0 Web Design 40 55% 80%
145020 JRZ0 Computer and Mobile Applications 40 55% 75%
145025 JRZ5 Computer Hardware 40 55% 75%
145030 JSA0 Computer Software 40 60% 80%
145035 JSA5 Networking 40 60% 75%
145040 JSB0 Network Operating Systems 40 55% 80%
145045 JSB5 Network Management 40 50% 80%
145050 JSC0 Network Security 40 55% 75%
145055 JSC5 Routing and Switching 40 55% 80%
145060 JSD0 Programming 40 55% 80%
145065 JSD5 Object Oriented Programming 40 55% 80%
145070 JSE0 Visual Programming 40 50% 80%
145080 JSF0 Database Administration 40 50% 80%
145110 JSJ0 Video and Sound 40 60% 80%
N3 Programming and Software Development (83MD)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
145005 JRX5 Information Technology 40 60% 80%
145010 JRY0 Web Design 40 55% 80%
145020 JRZ0 Computer and Mobile Applications 40 55% 75%
145060 JSD0 Programming 40 55% 80%
145065 JSD5 Object Oriented Programming 40 55% 80%
145070 JSE0 Visual Programming 40 50% 80%
145075 JSE5 Systems Analysis and Design 40 60% 80%
145080 JSF0 Database Administration 40 50% 80%
145085 JSF5 Database Applications Development 40 50% 75%
145090 JSG0 Game Design 40 50% 70%
145105 JSH5 Multimedia and Image Management Techniques 40 60% 80%
145110 JSJ0 Video and Sound 40 60% 80%
145115 JSJ5 Animation 40 55% 85%
145120 JSK0 3-D Techniques 40 55% 80%
145125 JSK5 Interactive Application Development 40 55% 80%
N4 Cybersecurity (85MD)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
145005 JRX5 Information Technology 40 60% 80%
145025 JRZ5 Computer Hardware 40 55% 75%
145030 JSA0 Computer Software 40 60% 80%
145035 JSA5 Networking 40 60% 75%
145040 JSB0 Network Operating Systems 40 55% 80%
145045 JSB5 Network Management 40 50% 80%
145050 JSC0 Network Security 40 55% 75%
145055 JSC5 Routing and Switching 40 55% 80%
145060 JSD0 Programming 40 55% 80%
146005 JWF5 Cybersecurity 40 55% 80%
146010 JWG0 Cybersecurity Defense and Reinforcement 40 60% 85%
146015 JWG5 Cybersecurity Testing and Response 40 60% 85%

Law and Public Safety

P1 Criminal Justice (43MC)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
072040 EFT0 Human Anatomy and Physiology 40 55% 85%
072150 EGE0 Medical Terminology 40 60% 95%
170342 KSK2 Foundations of Firefighting and Emergency Medical Services 40 71% 82%
170343 KSK3 Firefighter I 40 70% 96%
170344 KSK4 Firefighter II 40 75% 95%
170345 KSK5 Emergency Medical Technician 40 69% 95%
170911 KUY1 The American Criminal Justice System 40 47% 70%
170912 KUY2 Security and Protective Services 40 53% 77%
170913 KUY3 Police Work and Practice in Public Safety 40 56% 80%
170914 KUY4 Investigations and Forensics in Criminal Investigations 40 61% 84%
170915 KUY5 The Correctional System and Services 40 60% 80%
170916 KUY6 Homeland Security Protecting America's Critical Infrastructure 40 70% 81%
177024 LYT4 Unmanned Aircraft Systems 40 65% 90%
P6 Firefighting and Emergency Medical Services (41MC)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
072040 EFT0 Human Anatomy and Physiology 40 55% 85%
072150 EGE0 Medical Terminology 40 60% 95%
170342 KSK2 Foundations of Firefighting and Emergency Medical Services 40 71% 82%
170343 KSK3 Firefighter I 40 70% 96%
170344 KSK4 Firefighter II 40 75% 95%
170345 KSK5 Emergency Medical Technician 40 69% 95%
170911 KUY1 The American Criminal Justice System 40 47% 70%
170912 KUY2 Security and Protective Services 40 53% 77%
170913 KUY3 Police Work and Practice in Public Safety 40 56% 80%
170914 KUY4 Investigations and Forensics in Criminal Investigations 40 61% 84%
170915 KUY5 The Correctional System and Services 40 60% 80%
170916 KUY6 Homeland Security Protecting America's Critical Infrastructure 40 70% 81%
177024 LYT4 Unmanned Aircraft Systems 40 65% 90%

Manufacturing Technologies

R7 Manufacturing Operations (28MC)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
175003 LNX3 Manufacturing Operations 40 60% 90%
175004 LNX4 Robotics 40 65% 90%
175006 LNX6 Computer Integrated Manufacturing 40 55% 90%
175007 LNX7 Digital Electronics 40 60% 85%
176000 LUG0 Gas Metal Arc Welding 40 70% 95%
176001 LUG1 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 40 70% 90%
176002 LUG2 Flux Cored Arc Welding 40 70% 95%
176003 LUG3 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 40 65% 90%
176004 LUG4 Machine Tools 40 65% 90%
176005 LUG5 Machining with Industrial Lathes 40 60% 90%
176006 LUG6 Machining with Industrial Milling Machines 40 65% 90%
176007 LUG7 Computer Numerical Control Technology with Industrial Mills and Lathes 40 70% 95%
176009 LUG9 Welding Technologies 40 65% 95%
176010 LUH0 Principles of Manufacturing 40 60% 90%
176015 LUH5 Welding Fabrication 40 55% 90%
176020 LUJ0 Industrial Maintenance 40 60% 90%
176025 LUJ5 Industrial Robotics 40 65% 90%
R8 Metallurgy
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
175003 LNX3 Manufacturing Operations 40 60% 90%
176000 LUG0 Gas Metal Arc Welding 40 70% 95%
176001 LUG1 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 40 70% 90%
176002 LUG2 Flux Cored Arc Welding 40 70% 95%
176003 LUG3 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 40 65% 90%
176009 LUG9 Welding Technologies 40 65% 95%
176010 LUH0 Principles of Manufacturing 40 60% 90%
176015 LUH5 Welding Fabrication 40 55% 90%
178019 MDA9 Plan Reading 40 60% 90%


S5 Marketing (36MD)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
141000 HXJ0 Business Foundations 40 60% 95%
141025 HXL5 Management Principles 40 60% 95%
141030 HXM0 Strategic Entrepreneurship 40 70% 95%
142020 JBX0 Operations Management 40 65% 95%
142025 JBX5 Supply Chain Management 40 55% 95%
142030 JBY0 Logistics Management 40 55% 95%
144000 JLN0 Marketing Principles 40 65% 95%
144005 JLN5 Marketing Applications 40 60% 90%
144010 JLP0 Integrated Marketing Communications 40 65% 95%
144015 JLP5 Digital Marketing and Management 40 60% 95%
144020 JLR0 Marketing Research 40 60% 90%
144025 JLR5 Merchandising and Buying 40 60% 95%
144030 JLS0 Professional and Technical Sales 40 65% 95%

Transportation Systems

T9 Ground Transportation (10MC)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
177000 LYR0 Ground Transportation Maintenance 40 60% 90%
177001 LYR1 Ground Transportation Engine and Power Train 40 65% 90%
177002 LYR2 Ground Transportation Electrical/Electronics 40 55% 90%
177004 LYR4 Ground Transportation HVAC 40 55% 90%
177006 LYR6 Automotive Engine Performance 40 55% 90%
177007 LYR7 Truck Diesel Engines 40 60% 90%
177008 LYR8 Sports/Recreational Power Systems 40 55% 90%
177009 LYR9 Collision Electrical and Mechanical Systems 40 60% 90%
177010 LYS0 Collision Structural Inspection and Repair 40 55% 90%
177011 LYS1 Collision Nonstructural Inspection and Repair 40 55% 90%
177012 LYS2 Collision Painting and Refinishing 40 55% 90%
177030 LYU0 Automotive Braking Systems 40 60% 90%
177031 LYU1 Automotive Steering and Suspension Systems 40 60% 90%
177032 LYU2 Truck Braking Systems 40 60% 90%
177033 LYU3 Truck Steering and Suspension Systems 40 60% 90%
TA Air Transportation (09MC)
ID Code Name # of Items Performance Standard Advanced Performance Standard Field Test? Pretest?
177013 LYS3 Aviation 40 60% 90%
177014 LYS4 Aviation Maintenance General 40 60% 90%
177015 LYS5 Aviation Structure and Design 40 60% 98%
177016 LYS6 Aviation Airframe Systems 40 55% 93%
177017 LYS7 Aviation Powerplant Theory and Maintenance 40 55% 90%
177018 LYS8 Aviation Powerplant Systems and Components 40 60% 95%
177019 LYS9 Aviation Meteorology 40 65% 90%
177020 LYT0 Aviation Airport Management 40 60% 90%
177021 LYT1 Aviation Pilot Training 40 60% 90%
177022 LYT2 Aviation Air Traffic Control 40 60% 90%
177024 LYT4 Unmanned Aircraft Systems 40 65% 90%